I Ching Internet Resources
I Ching, Yijing, Book of Changes, Oracle
of change, Zhou yi, Chou yi, Chou I, Hexagrams, Trigrams, Oracle, Yarrow, Divination.
- Software, Online Divination -
- Visionary Networks Very nice multimedia on-line divination. A family of interactive
web sites and CD-ROMs, the interactive oracles that are completely authentic,
mathematically, energetically and experientially.
- ftp: I
Ching program with Wilhelm text. Download this nice shareware Windows program
- I Ching The Oracle of Change. Very
simple Windows program you can download.
- Eastern Stars: I Ching
Oracle Online. Simple and easy to use.
- I Ching Online. Post your
question, cast the I Ching. Simple and elegant. A
free service of flyTrap interactive.
- Oriental Science. Oriental
Science is the first software company to introduce decision analysis software based on
oriental scientific principles. Our first product is the powerful Qimen Dunjia Decision
Analysis software.
- Multimedia tao te ching
software. from Images of Taoism.
- The Astrology of Y Ching IChing
I-Ching. Free demo only. In the program there are several options which
enable the user to access the traditional interpretation but also more modern
interpretations of the Astrology of I Ching. The Chinese culture is widely based on
the Book of Transformations, the I Ching.
- I_Ching.
Impressive java applet. Copyright, Solid Software, Australia, 1997
- Matrix I Ching
Oracle Online. Easy to use and simple
- I Ching divination from façade.com. Simple and easy to use.
- I Ching divination from Dogma. Visit this site will get a kua directly. Every
refresh page will get different kua.
- The I Ching
Page. Java applet.
- I Ching Sequencer. Very interesting. The I Ching Sequencer is the
result of working with the I Ching solely at the single hexagram level and finding the
need for a new perspective on the hexagrams as a whole.
- I Ching expert from HRIH Commercial service. This page offers you an experienced and
professional person do the consultation for you, giving you an accurate and unbiased
answer, based on the wisdom of I Ching.
- I Ching patterns and full text from Canta Forda Computer Lab (CFCL) in San Bruno, California.
This page is sorted by pattern with full text explanation.
- The Hungarian Alchemist
- Anikó J. Bartos. Lot of different on-line divinations.
- E-Change
is a simple tool to obtain an I Ching reading. For
ORACLE Simple on-line divination.
- I C h i n g
divination. Member in xoom.com. Click here to
cast a fortune.
- Robert's Book Shop -
R.A.Chalmers Pty Ltd On-line divination.
- Hexagram I Ching
Table Simple hexagram table hyperlinked to text.
- I CHING HAS AN ANSWER very simple one.
- Penny's I Ching.
Ponder your problem, then click six times anywhere in the black area.
- Icrea - Four Pillars
software. Info on I Ching, Feng Shui and Astrology Software and articles.
- I-Ching Connexion The connexion is an ever-changing but always consistently
interlocking graphic representation of the way the 64 hexagrams interrelate, allowing you
to widen and deepen your understanding of I Ching divination.
- The I Ching vision A DOS shareware program.
- I CHING Version 2.0
A DOS based graphic freeware program.
- Cloudragon I
Ching Palm OS. Chargeable.
- I Ching Oracle - The I Ching
Disclosed. On-line oracle.
- I Ching
Divination. You set it by yourself.
- I Ching: An Ancient Chinese Oracle.
Cast six lines of hexagram. Looks not bad.
- I Ching Page. Online ask I
- Aleister Crowley's I
Ching. Online select the method, ask I Ching.
- I-Ching for the 21st
Century. ASK YOURSELF A QUESTION... then click on the coins for a meaningful &
synchronistic answer.
- I Ching Fortune. Just key in
your question anf get brief answser.
Windows program. Chargeable.
- I Ching, the Book of
Divinations. Well designed software. Chargeable.
- I Ching
Prediction Direct on-line prediction with all 64 hexagrams text. Simple and easy.
- The IChing Oracle.
On line. Meditate on the question you are posing to the oracle
- Empower
Station Roger Norton Consulting has published the entire text of the I Ching at this
site. This interpretation is the one used in the company's I Ching Empower Tool, which may
also be downloaded here. In addition, the site contains a database of symbols associated
with the eight trigrams of the I Ching.
- Macdownload.com--The
Book of Changes or here.
- stv jns:program download.
Mac program and streaming Shockwave version.
- I Ching for
Tcl/Tk Simple Tcl/Tk for I Ching.
- I Ching Reading. Just key in
question and ask I Ching. Offer the simple c source code.
- Download the trigrams. MS Windows
font, truetype format.
- MacUser
Software Central - Yijing Font. $10.
- http://www.cs.ruu.nl/pub/tex-archive/fonts/iching/
Iching.tex is a latex program to print out divinations from the I Ching.
- I-Ching Calculator.
Creative and simple. Just like normal calculator, but you get the I Ching text also. Free.
- I-Ching
Insider. I-Ching Insider for Windows 95 / 98 / NT v2.1.
This program presents the I-Ching, or Book of Changes in such a simple way that now you
can take a closer look at how ancient Chinese had found their middle ways based on the Law
of Changes. With the help of this tool, you can easily find your right path
yourself. Shareware.
- Richard K. Thompson Software
Development - CHOU I 2.40 A
computer version of the I Ching. (German version available.)
- A Javascript I Ching Reading combining Wilhelm and Legge, from Dan
- Online
Divination. Various divinations.
- McGallen & Bolden - VAX Central.
Very simple I Ching game in Shockwave.
- The
Astrology of I Ching. Shareware. The Astrology of I Ching is published here as a new
program which runs under Windows.
- Tai Chi Tu (YinYang). You
can cast the I Ching using either coin or yarrow stalk probabilities. This program
requires Windows 95 or 98
- I Ching, the Book of Change.
The software-product developed by Bits & Fun with the purpose of bringing
both culture and fun to its users.
- INTERCAL: Welcome to the Pit.
"Basica" code of generating the I Ching hexagrams.
- THE LAURA LEE SHOW - Paul O'Brien.
Laura Lee Online offers a new fully interactive online feature called the Oracle of
Changes. Developed by Paul O'Brien, the online Oracle experience is reputed to
provide the Internet's only mathematically authentic casting of an I-Ching reading
- I-Ching Reader -
Download - Plus Tarot, Iching Readings,Osho Zen Tarot. Free. Windows programs.
- The Oracles. Several
oracles programs which incudes a DOS I Ching program.
- The PilotZone - Docs -
Religious. Find I Ching doc for Palm.