I Ching Internet Resources
I Ching, Yijing, Book of Changes, Oracle
of change, Zhou yi, Chou yi, Chou I, Hexagrams, Trigrams, Oracle, Yarrow, Divination.
- Science, Technology, Sociology -
OCCULT GENETIC CODE A synthesis of Tarot, I
Ching, DNA, the genetic code, Hebrew alphabet, Qabalah, Kabbalah, Cabala, Aleister Crowley
and Richard Wilhelm. By Steve Krakowski.
- PARALLAX: Time Wave Zero.Here is
a quantified interpretation of history's vicissitudes, the mutability of life or, if you
prefer, a graphic representation of the universe's rhythm here on our tiny planet. McKenna
purportedly bases this fractal wave graph approach to documenting the rhythm of life on
concepts gleaned from the I Ching.
- Terence McKenna Land and Terence McKenna. Terence McKenna (1946-2012) has been
studying the ontological foundations of Shamanism and the Ethnopharmacology of spiritual
transformation for the past quarter century. An innovative theoretician and spellbinding
orator, Terence has emerged as a powerful voice for the psychedelic movement and the
emergent societal tendency he calls The
Archaic Revival. Poetically dispensing enlightened social criticism and new
theories of the fractal dynamics of time, Terence deobfuscates many aspects of the
visionary lexicon, and then some. As Artist Alex Grey suggests, "In the twilight of
human history, McKenna's prescription for salvation is just so crazy it might work."
- SEEING BEYOND THE INVISIBLE LANDSCAPE An Interview with Terence McKenna Although most notorious for his stands on the place of psychedelic drugs in
human social evolution, he is also the co-author, with his brother Dennis, of a theory of
exploding novelty based on the mathematics of the I Ching. This theory, outlined in The
Invisible Landscape, sees the end of time approaching on the Winters Solstice
2012 when more things will change in a nanosecond than have occurred in the past 20
million years. Delivered in a self-effacing western drawla legacy from his childhood
in Colorado as much as the deliberate intonations of BerkeleyMcKennas voice is
not what one expects in a preacher of the end of the world.
- by Patrick Gaffney
- Devising a
Paradigm-shifting Device (long) Try to find the defination of "ultimate
device": So much of what we do in work or play is based on some form of
"programme" or "set of rules". The nested list, or tabular/grid
structure, of these conceptual devices tends to reinforce very strongly the kinds of
thinking which are not working in the interests of society as a whole. The concern here is
to explore how we might go about "devising a device" that would enable any of
us, individually or collectively, to shift out of this mode when it proves dysfunctional.
It would be presumptuous to aim to specify the device here. The intent is rather to
explore how it might be useful to think about the nature of such a device and the insights
that need to influence its design. Premature closure is necessarily to be avoided. -
by Anthony Judge, Union of International Associations.
- Einstein's Revenge
On-line book. The major themes of this book are the development of these ideas on
mathematics and physics and the need for our culture to develop intuition the way we have
developed intellect. Many of the deepest problems we face today are beyond intellect's
ability to deal with, just as a predominantly intellectual approach is unable to see past
the existing conceptual framework of quantum mechanics. We must start to reverse the one
sided focus on an intellectual approach that is both the greatest strength and greatest
weakness of Western culture. - Copyright 1995, Paul P Budnik Jr.
- Einstein and Tao
(short) "Suppose time is circle, bending back on itself. The world repeats itself,
precisely, endless." Alan Lightman in "Einsteins dreams". "...And
gradually I found ou that the I Ching is not merely linear, logical, and binary as
Leibnitz had thought. Instead it has a peculiar vision which includes both linear and
analog systems. These two systems merge to create a vast dynamic pattern of complementary
chaos. This is a cosmic paradigm." Katya Walter in "Tao of Chaos".
- Probabilistic studies of I
Ching with use of APL. Paper in International Conference on APL - The Language and its
Applications September 11-15, 1994 Antwerp, Belgium. I Ching, the ancient Chinese mantic
book, is one of the main documents of Chinese culture. It consists of sixty-four 6-line
pictographs, also called hexagrams, and commentary texts applied to them. In the presented
work, the author examines mathematical problems connected with I Ching. The statement of
problems and their solution is original. Two classes of problems are discussed: the
comparison of the probability of different mantic schemes and the search for a law
determining the order of the sequence of the I Ching hexagrams. The solution of the first
problem and the successful explanation of the second problem are presented. -by Pavel
- Chaos Matrix (diretory)
Resources for chaos study.
Computers, Chaos and the I Chingby Grim The key
to all of this is to recognise the difference between something which is actually random
and something which has the appearence of being chaotic, such as the movement of mist.
Although this is a relatively new area of study in the West, it has a long and
distinguished history in China.
- John
Gowan's General Systems HomePage My interests are very broad, including most areas of
the sciences, arts, and religion. In science, my special interests include cosmology,
spacetime and particle physics, unified field theory, Einstein's life and work,
evolutionary theory, the Earth sciences, paleontology, anthropology, human history,
ecology, entomology, and botany. In the arts I especially enjoy classical music and
architecture, literature and painting. I am also interested in General Systems,
comparative religion, mythology, astrology, the I Ching, occult and psychic phenomena. My
theoretical work and papers tend to be synthetic and holistic, presenting overviews of
systems and areas of human thought, integrating rational, intuitive, scientific,
religious, and artistic concepts. Occasionally I have focused on a particular subject such
as gravitation, spacetime, the weak force, or proton decay. In my most comprehensive work
I use a general system perspective to demonstrate a unifying pattern in natural phenomena
that is reflected in many areas of human thought and activity; I suggest these are
expressions of a universal fractal algorithm.
- AnthroFuturism Topics: Human-Machine
Interaction and Integration; Space Colonization and Extraterrestrial Contact; Life
Extension; Brain/Mind Modification and Consciousness Research; Biotechnology and Genetic
of "The Technology of Circles of Life GEOTRANtm Rapid Personal Transformation". - by Eldon Thatcher
- Fractal Time This web
site is concerned with the notion that the concept of a fractal might be useful in
understanding time or processes occurring in time. Most of the material here deals with
Terence McKenna's Timewave Zero theory (a.k.a. Novelty Theory) and the critical
examination thereof.
- Mathematics
of the TimeWave Foreword: Does
the mathematical or philosophical structure of the I-Ching, reveal anything of an
underlying connection with nature or the cosmos, that could explain how it (the I-Ching)
might work? When it is viewed as a system that reflects or represents a process of flow,
motion, or change in nature and the human experience, it is one that finds considerable
correspondence elsewhere in philosophy and science, including elements of quantum theory.
The flow of yin to yang, yang to yin, finds correspondence in the flow of matter to
energy, and energy to matter - revealing a dynamic and ever changing universe. -by John Sheliak.
- The King Wen Sequence
and the First Order of Differences.(short) Timewave Zero theory begins with the King
Wen Sequence, the sequence of Chinese hexagrams traditionally associated with the I Ching
and in particular with King Wen, of whom Martin Palmer... - by Peter Meyer.
- Energy As It
Flows In The Universe There are a few areas of discussion, these days, that find
connection at a "primary" level. Taoism expresses many of the
"primary" principles which initiate my recurring "inquiry into the
unseen", an inquiry that began in science but eventually extended into the
expressions of various ancient cosmological views. Having studied Taoist
internal/transformative alchemy over the years I've found more than a few direct parallels
with what I later detected in the nagualism of Carlos Castaneda : a fleetingly palpable
compass/map to a level of energetic assessment, independent of yet enfolded within
existing epistemological structures.
- The I Ching
and Flight Safety This paper will demonstrate how I-Ching can assist flight safety. It
begins with a brief introduction of I-Ching. Then this paper will show how I-Ching can
influence flight safety. And most importantly, it will establish why I-Ching has an impact
in flight safety. - by T K Chang.
- Boolean
Algebra and the I Ching (long) Paper in PDF format. This paper is concerned with the
logical and structural properties of the gua interpreted as the synmblic representation of
situation. - Dr. Adreas Schöter.
- An Introduction to
Metascience Devices. My entire
concept of Metascience is to achieve harmony and balance with external forces, or
vibrations, here after called "oscillations." My theory is as follows:
I feel we can achieve harmony with our art through instruments which vibrate in a
like pattern of the earth. Recently, science has told us that the earths mantle,
some 50 miles below the surface, is made of super conducting metallic elements. That
is, a sphere of pure energy feeding out to us , continuously replenishing our stores.
If we had access to this terrain machine, we might be able to use this core power
to alter the vibration of our bodies to a higher level of awareness, of our planet, and
the forces which govern it. We can do this, theoretically, by using the vector
concentrators. - by Tommie L. Mercer
- The Alchemical Egg. According
to Rulandus' 17th century alchemical lexicon, the "Ovum Philosophicum," which
can be translated as the Philosophical or Hermetic Egg, is the principal vessel used in
alchemical operations. When it is a round, glass vessel with a long, thin neck it is also
called a retort, which was often likened to a wild goose. - by Robert
Michael Place.
- Welcome to the SIPP ver. 5.3 - Structure
of Interactive Psycho Philosophy. This is the attempt of a unification theory, Chinese
I-Ching, Egypt's Tarot, the Jewish Kabalah and the 22 aminoacids of the DNA double helix
(3-d space) combined with the Mayan Sacred Calendar Tzolkin (4th-d time). All
is illusion, inside and outside, but... believe is still the driving force of every human
LANGUAGE OF THE METAPHYSICAL Bar-grams of I-Ching is the sequentiality of Binary
Signals in Time. Metaphysical Moulds of the Formal Language is the planes in Space. Time
(Bar-grams) can be concretized in Space (Metaphysical Moulds). Space (Metaphysical Moulds)
can be dissolved sequentially in Time (Bargrams). -by Sun Yu-Ii
- Interrelating
Incompatible Viewpoints for sustainable dialogue, vision, conference, policy, network,
community and lifestyle. This page is Commentary 'C' on an exercise in metaphorical interpretation
of the Chinese Book of Changes - by Anthony Judge.
- Symbols & Metaphors; Creating
Reality. In general, in-between our minds and 'out there' are a number of filters that
work both ways in restricting or exagerating our perceptions and these filters impose on
us a reality that is a mix of 'out there' and 'in here'. From a fundamental neurological
perspective our brains process information by the recursive use of the 'what/where' dichotomy. All
disciplines are thus metaphors for describing particular sets of what/where mappings but
in terms defined within the discipline. - by Chris Lofting.
- Modern
Primitives: The Accelerating Collision of Past and Future In The Postmodern Era
(middle). Today, largely thanks to publishers such as Re/Search and Loompanics,
Autonomedia, and Amok Press, many people are familiar today with the "modern
primitive" movement. They know that it involves some sort of strange juxtaposition of
high technology and "low" tribalism, animism, and body modification - a kind of
`Technoshamanism,' if you will, at once possession trance and kinetic dance. In books like
William Gibson's Count Zero , ultracomplex Artificial Intelligences (AIs) take on the
personality of Haitian Voudoun deities, seizing the minds of initiates through neural
networks, creating an ersatz technoreligion. - by Steve Mizrach.
- Metaphysical Analysis of DNA.
From: Paradigm Systems Synthesis Mission, Sirius Ops, Agent Boyd (Miramar). In this
attempt to unify various systems from earth pre-history, it becomes necessary to redefine
in a unified context certain key elements inherent in these systems as follows:
Astrological Planet Archetypes = The 12 Agents Zodiacal Signs = The 12 Environments I
Ching Hexagrams/DNA Strands = The 64 Pivot Points.
- John Gowan's General Systems
HomePag and The
Fractal Organization of Nature (middle). A general system model of the Universe is
presented, based on a fractal paradigm. A 4x3 "metric" or fractal algorithm is
proposed as the organizing principle of the microphysical, biophysical, and astrophysical
realms. The algorithm is expressed through the families of elementary particles, the
dimensions of spacetime, the quantum rules of the atomic order, the structure of the
baryon, alpha particle, carbon atom, and DNA, the genetic code, gravitation, and the
nucleosynthetic pathway. The human mind has discovered this order both intuitively and
rationally, where it finds expression in the 4x3 patterns of occult, religious, and
scientific "world systems" and cosmologies. - by John A. Gowan
- Patterns of Illusion and Change.
Ever since the earliest times, philosophers have been searching for the underlying
patterns of order that sustain our world. These efforts have resulted in a great many
systems of symbolic expression purporting to illuminate the various mysteries of reality
and life. Careful inspection of these different systems reveals that many of them are
based on remarkably similar fundamentals. The numbers of mathematics, for example, have
been almost universally regarded as indispensable keys to an understanding of the primary
mysteries. The Tree of Life from the Hebrew Kabbalah and the I Ching of Chinese philosophy
are two of the most remarkable systems of analogy based upon numbers... by John R. Stahl.
- Simple
Roots of Complex Judgement.(long) What if we could not agree, whether a system was
complex or not? Would everybody accept that complexity as an individual and social reality
arises by similar processes in all cases? Could we arrive at common distinctions
reflecting conscious and non-conscious inclusion and exclusion of past and expected
subjects, processes, names, values and contexts? - by Michael Schreiber. Vienna,
1st of June 1998.
AND THE END OF TIME. On July 31, 1990 I began to write about the
symbolism of the Mandelbrot Set. I continued to write about symbolism involving various
parts of chaos theory. This seemed quite odd, even to me, but such things are part of my
experiment. I simply record various ideas that come to me, without questioning how odd or
silly they may be. So often, they lead to strange "coincidences."
- By Joseph E. Mason
- Electronic
Healing - Advanced healing techniques and research using the Harmonic
Translation System. - By Jon Monroe. And New Science: radionics, psychotronic,
electronic healing.
Can computer games be great literature? Do the rapidly evolving and culturally expanding
genres of digital literature mean that the narrative mode of discourse--novels, films,
television series--is losing its dominant position in our culture? Is it necessary to
define a new aesthetics of cyborg textuality? - by Espen J. Aarseth
- The
I-ching and career planning.(middel) This page was developed as part of a research
project on the uses of intuition in Project Management. It is intended to explore
whether or not the use of a intuition based tool will help decision making on a project or
in business and career matters.
- The Lost and Hidden Code of
the I Ching: Computer of Ancient Chinese Astronomers and Mathematicians.(work in
progress) Insightful research and unprecedented
connections bridging several disciplines of science from ancient to contemporary times,
has revealed an ingenious cryptic puzzle within the I Ching or Yiching
(Classic of Changes). The I Ching is much more than a "diviner's prompt book".
In truth, it was a highly sophisticated computer-like device of ancient Chinese
astronomers and mathematicians, possibly dating as far back as the pre-Imperial age. -
by Guy L. Rando
- The
Lunar Calendar in "The Invisible Landscape".(short) The synodic month
(a.k.a. the mean lunar month) is the mean (i.e. average) interval in days between
conjunctions of the Moon and the Sun. The value of the synodic month, during the 5000-year
period 500 C.E. to 4500 C.E, is 29.53059 days. Thirteen synodic months is 383.8977 days,
nearly 384 days. 384 = 6 * 64, and this reminds one of the Chinese I Ching, which has 64
hexagrams each consisting of 6 lines. - by Peter Meyer.
- The
Meanings of Numbers - by Numerology @ NumberQuest.com. Number Meanings Correspondence
Tables. Correspondences between the numbers in numerology and the Tarot, Astrology, Rune,
I Ching, Kabbalah, Shamanism, Alchemy, Auras, Musical Notes and more!
- The Metaphysics of Sex.(short) What is
this strange entanglement of living energies that we call sexual congress? One reason
there are many answers to this question is that what we usually think of as
"sex" is just one of eight possible patterns of the cosmic superimposition of
life forms. Why eight, exactly? Well, since this is to be primarily an essay on sex, I
will try not to dwell too extensively on theoretical metaphysics, but I must briefly
introduce the subject... - by John Stahl.
- The Octave of Energy. (middle) The
Law of Octaves was first suggested by Pythagoras in ancient Greece. Having observed that
the eight notes of the conventional Occidental musical scale were governed by definite
mathematical relationships, Pythagoras proceeded to create a whole cosmology based on 8s.
In this octagonal model Pythagoras made numerous mistakes, because he was generalizing
from insufficient data. However, his work was the first attempt in history to unify
science, mathematics, art and mysticism into one comprehensible system and as such is
still influential. Leary, Crowley and Buckminster Fuller have all described themselves as
modern Pythagoreans. - by Robert Anton Wilson.
- UFOSeek: Spirituality : I
Ching. Some I Ching links.
- The Philosophy of The
Ananke. To share with the Internet Community a book that I wrote in 1985 which
introduces a new and exciting Philosophy that yields the answers to life's deepest
questions. - by Lance Gordon.
- The Plott Project:
Diffusionism.(long) Concerning Intellectual Diffusion and Parallelisms: Light and Fire
from the John C. Plott Project in the Global History of Philosophy by Wallace Gray,
Kirk Professor, Southwestern College
- The Predestination
Lifechart. Book introduction. What I have noticed is that the New Age I Ching
Predestination Lifechart seems to be remarkably accurate in describing the broad trends in
your life. Events like marriage, serious illness, and finacial failure or success usually
seem to be indicated. However, perhaps its true value lies not in the fact of a
prediction's accuracy, but rather in that it gives a more objective perspective on the
trends and events in your life. Using this knowledge, it is possible for you to better
deal emotionally (and perhaps intellectually) with the influences affecting you and the
course of your life.