I Ching Internet Resources
I Ching, Yijing, Book of Changes, Oracle
of change, Zhou yi, Chou yi, Chou I, Hexagrams, Trigrams, Oracle, Yarrow, Divination.
- Commentary, Essay -
- A
tale of woe and the I ching rules In my studies
of Carl Jung, I've learned, of course, that he was fascinated by astrology early in his
career but more so later by the Tarot cards and the I Ching, both forms of oracular
- The Rhine-Jung Letters:
Distinguishing Parapsychological from Synchronistic Events Abstract: Along with the previously published works of J.B. Rhine and C.G. Jung,
we use the recently discovered letters of these pioneers from the Rhine archives to
discuss their relationship. Employing Jungs definition of synchronicity as an
acausal connection of meaning between inner psychological states and outer events, we
argue, contrary to Jung, that parapsychological phenomena are distinct from synchronicity.
- by Victor Mansfield, Sally Rhine-Feather, James Hall. February, 1998
- The
Truth and Rules of the Universe (long) All the truth and rules come with simple form
and elegant style. Our science unveils only part of truth and rules of universe. There is
another type of human knowledge that ancient human knew it much better than we do,
revealed another part of truth and rules of universe. It is totally different, opposite to
our modern science, which is difficult for us to understand. So, dont use the
traditional viewpoint to judge it. Lets take look at two ancient civilisations,
which one is lost and another one is out of main stream. In fact, it does not mean they
were not right. In contrary, they were well developed that we cant understand even
in nowadays. They were just like different civilisation from ours. I would say, we are too
self-esteem to our science & technology. We are so foolish to ignore and forget most
of knowledge from those ancient geniuses. In many senses, we even cant reach their
intelligence level. We should feel shame! - by Charles Xin Chong, Jan 2000.
THE WHEEL: The Eight Pagan Sabbats and the Eight Trigrams of the I Ching As I read through Wilhelm's descriptions of the trigrams and
how they relate to each season in the year, I was immediately struck by the similarity to
many descriptions of the Pagan sabbats. I was not surprised by this correspondence, but it
was refreshing to see such connections continuing to play out in my life. - by William
L. Holt
- Hidden Treasures How much have we forgotten, as we toss old wisdom
aside in favor of the latest "knowledge?" In what is now oddly being called
"The New Age," a great many of the lost treasures from the past are re-emerging. -by Jeanneg.
- The I Ching
Looks Like a Book...by Paul Williams (1973). From his column The Sources of the Nile
which appeared in Crawdaddy! magazine.
ON-LINE - The Spiritual Search In Cyberspace (long) What is the meaning, significance,
and highest potential value of the new electronic omnisphere? How can the electronic
global nerve network be used to communicate real wisdom, and to advance a vision of our
best possibilities? My premise is that the multi-dimensional link-up we are undergoing
amounts to nothing less than the next step in the evolution of human consciousness and the
emerging self-awareness of the Planetary Mind. I am convinced that the Internet and the
whole infobahn phenomena can be a vitally important force for personal transformation,
community building, enlightened participatory democracy, environmental protection, and
planetary salvation. Do you agree? How can the Internet help you in your personal quest
for spiritual realization, and how can we all help make this enlightened vision of
Cyberspace a reality? - by Lonny J. Brown.
- The One
and The Many (middle) "The character jing is normally translated as
'classic', hence the title Jijing is often given as the Classic of Change. But jing
literally means 'a warp thread', ie. the threads that run from top to bottom of a
fabric" p11 Fancourt, de W., (1997)"Warp & Weft: In search of the I
Ching" Capall Bann. In this sense, every person on the planet could create their own
I Ching, and when compared we would find similarities that reflect the species-based
categorisation system that we use to structure our communications. This structure is
tied-in to our neurology/psychology in the form of processing ANY information by making
the fundamental distinctions of objects (whole-parts) and relationships (static/dynamic) [
these pairs are called dichotomies]
and these are then combined into text/context partnerships that go to manifesting a
'whole' experience. (see the 'brain' sections on this site for more details on this.) - by
C.J. Lofting.
- Divine Principle
- PART I - Chapter 1. Principle of Creation (very long) On-line book: DIVINE PRINCIPLE by Sun
Myung Moon. Throughout history, man has been struggling to solve the
fundamental questions of life and the universe. Yet no one has been able to give
satisfactory answers, for no one has known the original plan for the creation of man and
the universe. Furthermore, there remains a fundamental question to be settled, a question
not so much about the facts of existence as about the cause of existence. Questions about
life and the universe, of course, cannot be solved without understanding the nature of
God. The "Principle of Creation" deals with these fundamental questions.
- Comprehensive I Ching
Reading (middle) From Psychic Internet
- I Ching
reveals answer to pressing questions, concerns(short) What is Bill Clinton's character
in this election and in his coming term? Hexagram 19, "Overseeing."
- "Change" Fellow in creative writing at the University of Dundee,
gives us his thoughts on adapting to "change".
- Eco-I Ching The I Ching is great but it needs to be
updated - by Michael Phillips
- A View of the I Ching
(short). Back down the road I read someplace that it was after Leibniz was exposed to the
I Ching that he developed the binary counting system for the West. Also somewhere read
that the Chinese didn't have a "Zero" in their math for a while... by
-Dennis J. Garvin
- Accessing Your Inner
Creator: The Way of Beginning. Online essays on things transpersonal.-
by Carlisle Bergquist
- I Ching, Book of Changes.
I first ran into the I Ching through Phillip K Dick, reading his Man in the High Castle,
which uses the book of changes to plot much of the storyline. Later I tracked down some of
Dick's insights into the I Ching and Schizophrenia.
- Mr. Fiennes, Inner
Truth (Chung Fu) Hexagram 61 of the I Ching ...and a clairvoyant view of what happens
between a Performer and an Audience.
- Preface to The Invisible
Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens & the I Ching by Terrence and Dennis McKenna;
Harper San Francisco, l994.
- Philosophy I Adapt I-Ching
is one of the oldest book still in print in the world today. The Ten Great Notions,
translated by Carol Orsborn, are the essence of I-Ching, that I have found extremely
helpful to me in my business and personal life. I approach coaching from an integrated
spiritual perspective, which is based on the Ten Great Notions.
- Mike Andrews home page.
You've found the WWW home page of the midly baked Mike Andrews. If you're here for any of:
jazz, internetworking, audio, electrical engineering, image processing and recognition or
just plain stuff, you'll dig it. This hierarchy is my personal portfolio -
intended to capture a lot of the things I've put some sweat into, and I dump it all here
because I'm hip to the free-flow of information, even if it is useless. But, if you don't
know why you are here, then be sure to check out the little lens flare I put on the
yin-yang, isn't that great?
conference, Yale University, USA. Thomas Lee May 1996.
- Me, Myself, and I Ching. Thoughts,
Observations, and Information about the I Ching (The Book of Change).
- 'M'I Ching. When I cast these hexagrams, particularly the monthly ones, I find myself wishing
that some of them were just that little bit more cheerful. However, they centre on
whatever the current main theme is and to alter them even slightly would go against my
ethics. I tell them like they are! Occasionally they follow on from previous readings and
offer much the same advice, and then suddenly, just when you've probably had enough of the
same scenario, everything changes. But isn't that just like life? If you want a little
more insight, try checking out the weekly Chingscopes.
- Jung and the I Ching.DILTS'
MODEL OF BELIEF SYSTEMS. Robert Dilts, in his book "Changing Belief Systems with
NLP" has come up with a structure which I have mapped to that of a hexagram:-
- Intuition as pattern
recognition. The I Ching is a catalog of recurring life patterns. It describes
them so they can be directly understood by consciousness. That is part of the value of the
I Ching as an intuitive discipline. It strengthens our conscious understanding of
the patterns that intuition recognizes.- by Mountain Math Software.
- Heavens
Gate. Frank Coolens Site to Chinese Divination. Ive been involved in
Chinese Divination ever since I started to study the I Ching, the old and very reliable
and ancient, but still very "nineties" oracle, six years ago.
- Patterns in a Subtle Light.
It can be stated as a universal axiom: if you can think of it, somebody has tried it.
Nowhere is this more evident than with divination. The ancient Romans saw omens in the
flight patterns of birds; the ancient Chinese, before the I Ching, read the cracks on
heated tortoise shells; today, as Mary Greer's article in this issue shows, we have our
choice of such devices as UFO Contact Cards or astrological dice. - by Richard Smoley.
- Spiritual
Development Articles - Accessing Your Inner Creator.(long) Taoism provides a clear
example of this in the formless, nameless Tao, its supreme ultimate. From the Tao emerge
first yin and yang, and then form. Being from non-being. One may think of the Tao as the
chaos of non-being but the void is unitary. Can there be chaos in unity? I believe this
Chinese metaphor proposes another role for chaos in the duality of the creative process. -
by Carlisle Bergquist
- Re-evaluating Astrological
Philosophical Principles for a Changing World (short). We worked on the
development of inner child communication and growth on a personal and Global level. The
task was to manifest concepts into context. Our main physical tool was the I Ching
(Richard Whilhelm version) and later on was coupled with the study of Astrology. - by
Stephen Hill
- Taoism - Ageless
Wisdom for a Modern World (short). Taoism has become increasingly popular with
Americans for a number of reasons. As our lives become more stressful and complex, dealing
with mounting crises on personal, local and global levels, we naturally seek solutions
that will restore us to a more balanced, harmonious, and satisfying way of living. - by
Ted Kardash
- "The Seasons
of Our Life" by Nhilde Davidson (short). Seasons are the consequence of time. It
is said that change is the only constant -- as time passes all in the universe moves on
and, with that movement, change is inevitable. Things change in relation to everything
else, yet spiritually growth takes place as the external vehicles decay. In the worlds of
form, time is measured in minutes, days, years -- in eternity, unbroken duration exists.
- The
Michael Crichton Collector's Site: Workography: Predicting the Future. Creative
Computing, March 1983. Although it is at least 3000 years old, the I Ching, a Chinese
method of divination, employs what we would now call a binary techinque. In its simplest
form, three coins are tossed six times to create a six-line figure of broken and unbroken
lines. This so-called hexagram is then interpreted by consulting the I Ching, or Book of
- The 22 Enigma. When I was
22, odd coincidences began occurring in my life. At first I was not aware that anything
unusual was happening. I was not aware of these occurrences for the first few years. It
was considerably later, when coincidences involving the number, 22, were happening too
often to go unnoticed, and after hearing about the synchronicity principle, the meaningful
coincidence, that I discovered I was becoming involved, without quite knowing how or why,
in a perplexing and often surprising type of psychic phenomenon... - by Terry Alden.
- 2012
The End of History. Very short. From Extropia:
An E-Zine for the 20th Century Cyborg Sandy Stone.