I Ching Internet Resources
I Ching, Yijing, Book of Changes, Oracle
of change, Zhou yi, Chou yi, Chou I, Hexagrams, Trigrams, Oracle, Yarrow, Divination.
- Religions, Divination -
- Divination Resources
Huge directory for divination. DIVINATION From Nostradamus to Runes, from tea leaves to
I-Ching, there are many ways to petition the unknown. Learn how to obtain a second opinion
with these resources. You may be surprised at the answers you find.
- Divination
- copyright 1999 by Ginger-lyn Summer.
Explained some divination tools: I Ching, Runes, Casting stone, Crystals/Crystal ball,
- Divination - by
listening-in.com. Divination tools and methods.