I Ching Internet Resources
I Ching, Yijing, Book of Changes, Oracle
of change, Zhou yi, Chou yi, Chou I, Hexagrams, Trigrams, Oracle, Yarrow, Divination.
- Unsorted -
- Rainbow Nation The concepts delivered herein are presented to humankind with
the genuine hope of awakening a nation 144,000 strong. The archetypes for the new baktun
of the next Great Cycle. The fractal seeds of the next race. This
Rainbow-Nation represents the telos of humanity and the ultimate telepathic
unification of the living planet Earth in unity consciousness with the Biosphere.
Chronologically the concepts presage the supporting material that has divinly manifested
in response to the questions; with the one exception being that of a new frame of
reference generated through learning a few Somerian words again.
- The Great Sign There are three I-Chings in The Great Sign. The one in the
center is the symbol for the beginning of the Creation (The Beginning). The one at the
bottom is the beginning of one's spiritual journey. This I-Ching at the bottom is the First Seal in The Great Sign. It is the only one which is in a horizontal
position. Anything in a horizontal position means: IS NOT AWAKENED (is asleep). When we
want to sleep, we lay down (become horizontal). The other two I-Chings are in a vertical
position, meaning awakened.
- The 22 Major
Discordia. Please help to figure out what are these stuff!
- I Ching Decoder.
Claimed innovation, great design. But, it seems not ready yet.
- Taoism/I Ching.
A bit confused.
- IChing's Page of Mystery.
Full of mystery stuffs.
- The Mind of Universe. I
have brought you here to remind you that we are alive in a wondrous universe, and that the
gift of life is so very precious. With this thought in mind, it is hard to imagine how our
small planet, at the edge of the galaxy, is in such civil turmoil and ecological trouble.
However, throughout the ages people have been staring out into the universe and wondering
where we came from, and where we are going. Magnificent temples and monuments have been
built throughout the ages to remind us of the deep commitment humankind has to stay in
touch with a higher order of creation.
- Dark, Clear,
and Luminous Bardos and Luxor, Karnak, Dendera and
Physics, Symmetry, Tarot, E6, Sedenions in Tony Smith's Home Page. er..
everthing, confused!
- Ki fue's Home Page.
- Itching. Put I Ching in
a character table. I can't get what it means.
MEAN PATH TO PREDICTABILITY FROM CHAOS. And "The Mayan spiral calender taught
embeddedness to relative spin (time). Solar Cycle Geometry=DNA CODONS=I CHING
Also see Viral and Inhabitable nature of time as spin in: The Lucid Dreamer".
- The I-Ching(Book of
- The Human Design System. The
Human Design System is the self-analysis tool for our times, unprecedented in its accuracy
and ease of use.
(syn=together; topos=place): Applying Fuller's Comprehensive Synergetic Topology to
Feeling-Acting Sensing-Thinking in Art- Ritual- Myth- Science of Soul-Spirit Body-Mind. ©
by Danu 3-1-90.